LE MONETINE DI MAD TEA! Fin dai tempi più antichi era diffusa l’usanza di regalare una moneta come simbolo di prosperità e di buon auspicio per il futuro. Le monete hanno da sempre affascinato l’uomo non solo per il loro valore ma anche per i diversi significati simbolici che possono avere

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Since ancient times, the custom of giving a coin as a symbol has been widespread
of prosperity and good omen for the future. Coins have always fascinated man not only for their value but also for the different symbolic meanings they can have. Mad Tea offers a dual collection of bracelets and necklaces composed of small colored coins, a line of fine steel jewelery embellished with a series of elegant tennis bracelets with
small sparkling crystals. This collection, designed for romantic and dreamy souls, is an invitation to those who believe in the magic of fairy tales. In fact, each coin contains a very sweet and profound meaning, a precious gift to dedicate to yourself or to someone important. It is said that sometimes fate drops coins along our path to prove something to us, perhaps to tell us something beautiful and unexpected or simply to make us smile. So if you find a coin in your path, stop!
It could be a coin that fate left for you!